The Role of Our Academy Council Members
Schools and academies in England have a Governing Body or Board which is responsible for overseeing many of the strategic decisions of the school. Sutton Benger CE Primary School is a member of the Diocese of Bristol Academies Trust (DBAT). DBAT has a Main Board and its schools each have an Academy Council which is responsible for local governance. Our Academy Council is proud of the school, its staff and pupils. It is an active and enthusiastic team helping to make strategic decisions about the direction of the school, acting as a critical friend and offering support and challenge to the senior leadership of the school.
What are the Academy Council's core functions?
- ensuring clarity of school vision, ethos and strategic direction
- holding the headteacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils, and the performance management of staff
- overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure its money is well spent
- implementing leadership and management plans made by DBAT.
Following consultation with all stakeholders, in October 2019, the school's Governing Body agreed the school's conversion to academy status and joined DBAT.
The former Governing Body was reconstituted as an Academy Council with the following structure of 12 members:
- the Headteacher (ex-officio)
- one Staff member (elected by school staff)
- two Parent members (elected by school parents)
- six Foundation members (appointed by the Diocese of Bristol)
- Ex-officio Foundation member (usually the incumbent vicar) - appointed by the Diocese of Bristol
- One Community member (appointed by the Academy Council)
- The Academy Council may also appoint non-voting Associate members where specialist skills or experience are needed.
The standard term of office for a governor is four years. Our Academy Council has a Chair and does not have sub-committees, but may create working parties and/or specialist panels as needed. Academy Council meetings are held at least 6 times per year.