Our Church



You can read our Ofsted report here

Our Church

Our local church is All Saints, Sutton Benger, part of the Draycot Benefice within the Diocese of Bristol.

All Saints Church dates from the 12th century, but the present building is 14th century. Its outlook on the High Street makes it a natural focus for the village. Recent internal modifications have created a meeting room plus kitchen facilities, all of which are freely available for village groups to use. Does the school use them?

The local ministry team, has long term and deep connections with our school. The congregation regularly pray for our school, and support us with their time, skills and generosity. Team members regularly lead collective worship, support the RE curriculum and help us explore spiritual development and develop our Christian distinctiveness as a church school.

 The children and staff from Sutton Benger C of E (VA) Primary School are invited to church for special services 6 times a year. These are agreed and planned between the school and the PCC. We also visit the church to support our curriculum learning throughout the year and to take part in ‘Experiences’ run by the PCC. 

“When we visit church we always have a chance to learn about God and reflect on things. We always learn something interesting.” (William – Year 5)

Services at All Saints’ Church are as follows. All services are at 10.30am:

  • 1st Sunday: Café Church
  • 2nd Sunday: Holy Communion
  • 3rd Sunday: Holy Communion
  • 4th Sunday: All Age Service

When there are five Sundays in the month, there is a United Benefice Service for all churches in the Draycot Benefice.

Further information can be found on the church website at:

Please also see the Bristol Diocese website:

Contact Us

Happy to answer any questions


  • 40 Chestnut Road Sutton Benger Wiltshire SN15 4RP