Worship Team



You can read our Ofsted report here

 Worship Team

Our Worship Team have an important role to play in school. Y6 Worship Council support the delivering of whole school worship, special church services and also lead a summary worship, usually each term.

A wider Worship Team supports the delivery of class based worship across the school.

Because we are a Church of England school, their role is to help our school evaluate collective worship, and to explore ways in which we can develop the distinctively Christian character of Sutton Benger. We enjoy working together to make a difference - hearing and discussing new ideas, having a say and input into changes to help the whole school community understand and enjoy worshipping God. The Worship Team have opportunities to plan & lead collective worship and help in school services at church and with Experiences. They listen to the ideas of their class to feed into their discussions.

This year we are:

  • Leading a worship at the end of each term to discuss the main messages from worship that term
  • Evaluating Collective Worship and using this to improve our school worship
  • Developing a prayer trail on our school field
  • Creating a guidance leaflet for visitors who come to lead worship

Achievements so far:

  • Evaluated our class reflection areas and made suggestions for improvement
  • Finding ways to extend the values into the classroom by linking it to our learning
  • Leading worship and taking part in school services
  • Developing the worship table in the hall – adding Trinity candles, using a cloth to reflect the colour of the church season and using sculptures and pictures to add focus points
  • Developing a class prayer book for worship based on the value focus that term
  • Developing the children’s understanding of our school prayer by creating art work as a whole school
  • Creating a scrapbook, following a learning walk, to show how we are a church school
  • Developing our Peace Garden to include a reflection area, a nature corner and new planted areas

Our Worship Team meets each year with others from our village cluster schools to share ideas and celebrate our hard work. This good practice features on the Bristol diocese website.

“Collective Worship is really important to us because it helps us to think about our values and how this can help us in our lives.” (Edward – Year 3)

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Happy to answer any questions


  • 40 Chestnut Road Sutton Benger Wiltshire SN15 4RP