Computing Curriculum Approach
At Sutton Benger CE Primary School, we recognise the importance of computing in our daily lives. We aim to instil a love of computing and we want our children to be equipped to use computational thinking and creativity to understand and change the world. Our computing curriculum is deliberately knowledge and vocabulary-rich as we believe it is vital to acquire a cumulatively sufficient understanding of key computational concepts and principals. We also recognise and value the need to develop methods of computational enquiry and so our children are fully immersed in units of learning that allow them to learn, grow and flourish within the computing curriculum.
In conjunction with the aims of the National Curriculum, our computing curriculum offers opportunities for children to:
- understand and apply the fundamental principles and concepts of computer science, including abstraction, logic, algorithms and data representation
- analyse problems in computational terms, and have repeated practical experience of writing computer programs in order to solve such problems
- evaluate and apply information technology, including new or unfamiliar technologies, analytically to solve problems
- be responsible, competent, confident and creative users of information and communication technology
Computing is either blocked as units of learning within a 39-weeks curriculum map or taught as discreet lessons each week. The children take on the state of being of ‘Being a Computer Scientist’ and are fully immersed in a curriculum unit that is dedicated to computing, with pre-existing knowledge from other curriculum areas used to support where possible. Knowledge Organisers are provided for every computing unit and they include the foundational knowledge needed first in order to access next learning. Subject specific knowledge is also included which allows pupils to then apply when thinking critically within the unit. The implementation of computing in this way supports children to become fully secure in each computing unit as well as supports them to build progressive understanding of the key concepts that are woven throughout the curriculum. To support high quality planning and assessment, teachers draw upon knowledge from the school’s computing subject leader, as well as from experts within our multi-academy trust, DBAT.
To ensure a cumulatively sufficient curriculum, key concepts are woven throughout. Our curriculum is designed to ensure that all children access the key concepts within a range of units as they progress throughout the school e.g. programming or media. They are challenged to meet learning expectations for their key stage. Key concepts are referred to throughout the curriculum units so that children are given opportunities to recall and retrieve knowledge in order to support them to build upon it.
Our curriculum is vocabulary-rich encouraging children to use a wide vocabulary of everyday computing terms. All computing vocabulary which is key to the unit is included as part of the Knowledge Organiser and is referred to throughout the unit. Children are given opportunities to develop and practice their vocabulary and oracy so that they become confident computer scientists who can develop, expand on, and articulate their learning.
At Sutton Benger CE Primary School, children are taught a balance of computational knowledge and theoretical skills. They work computationally and make links with other areas of learning in subjects such as maths, science, and design and technology. Through computational enquiry, children are encouraged to: deepen their understanding of how digital systems work, learn how to put this knowledge to use through programming, and build on their learning to become digitally literate.
Children at Sutton Benger CE Primary School enjoy ‘Being Computer Scientists’ and flourish within our curriculum. They are able to use their curiosity and their knowledge to make meaning of the digital world around them through a deep understanding of computational concepts and principals. They are able to make connections and think critically about their existing computing learning so that they can apply this to new learning.
Our curriculum allows for excellent progress over time and children are exposed to a wide range of units that build cumulatively. Children are able to confidently share, discuss, analyse and programme as Computer Scientists.
Our curriculum allows children to develop their computational knowledge, enquiry, and understanding of key computational principals. This means they gain a deeper understanding of the digital world around them and are building the foundations for further learning in these areas as they move on to the next stage of their education.