PSHE (including RSHE)



You can read our Ofsted report here



At Sutton Benger CE Primary School, we ensure that all children feel valued, safe, trusted, and confident with a sense of belonging throughout their learning experiences here with us. The children leave Sutton Benger CE Primary School with a mutual respect, high aspirations and a holistic knowledge of physical and mental well-being that will enable them to lead a positive and successful role in today’s diverse society.

The national curriculum for PSHE states that:

‘Schools should seek to use PSHE education to build, where appropriate, on the statutory content already outlined in the national curriculum, the basic school curriculum and in statutory guidance on: drug education, financial education, sex and relationship education (SRE) and the importance of physical activity and diet for a healthy lifestyle.’


Our intention is that when pupils leave Sutton Benger CE Primary School, they do so with the knowledge, understanding and emotional literacy to be successful in the world we live in.  We want our children to have a belief in themselves and know what a healthy, positive, respectful relationship looks and feels like, in real life and online.  We want children to understand that relationships are important and that they equipped with the skills to recognise the ones that are supportive and the ones that are unsafe to them. We want our children to have a deep knowledge of the benefits of exercise, good nutrition, hygiene, and sleep to ensure that that are both physically and mentally healthy for now and their future lives.



At Sutton Benger CE Primary School, we teach PSHE/RSHE throughout the Early Years and Key Stages 1 and 2, building on children’s knowledge and understanding. A trusted adult, usually the class teacher, within a safe and respectful learning environment, delivers each lesson. They will develop a high level of oracy and sense of belonging from receiving these lessons.

Our PSHE curriculum is taught through a clear and comprehensive scheme of work – ‘Jigsaw’ – in line with the Early Years Foundation Stage and National Curriculums. Jigsaw is a progressive scheme of work covering the aims of preparing children for life, helping them to know and value who they are and understand how they relate to others in our ever-changing world. There are six termly themes, with each year group learning the same unit at the same time.

Term 1 Being Me in My World                                                                    Term 4 Healthy Me

Term 2 Celebrating Differences                                                                  Term 5 Relationships

Term 3 Dreams and Goals                                                                            Term 6 Changing Me

Jigsaw also links and reflects our values and ethos of British Values, Equality, Diversity, Inclusion and Online Safety. The Relationship and Sex Education aspects are taught through the Jigsaw scheme of work with links to other areas of the curriculum. Jigsaw includes mindfulness that develops children’s emotional awareness, concentration, and focus. Our whole school and phase assemblies link to topical events supporting children to develop their understanding of British Values and our school community.  We use key vocabulary of safe and respectful learning that underpins the values of Sutton Benger.

PSHE is taught once a week. The new Jigsaw scheme is more resourced and planning is in depth, allowing teachers to feel supported and more confident teaching PSHE.

RSE objectives are also taught through Jigsaw. We will deliver the age appropriate curriculum to the children in year groups so all children are learning age related content.


Pupils at Sutton Benger CE Primary School will leave our school with the skills to manage and understand their emotions and have strategies to look after their mental health and well -being.  Our pupils will have positive self-esteem, and a respect for themselves and others. Children will recognise it is ok to disagree with others and have courteous debates because we all have our own opinions, however it should be with respect. Children will have a knowledge of how to stay safe online at age-appropriate level. They will recognise and develop positive, healthy relationships both now and in the future and leave Sutton Benger CE Primary School as responsible, respectful and tolerant members of society, as they navigate their way through modern life.

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  • 40 Chestnut Road Sutton Benger Wiltshire SN15 4RP