Curriculum Overview



You can read our Ofsted report here

Our Curriculum Approach

At Sutton Benger CE Primary school we are committed to providing a broad and balanced curriculum, providing the knowledge, skills and understanding that will prepare our children as citizens of the 21st century.

We are very proud of the curriculum approach at Sutton Benger.

  • Our curriculum is organised as Units of Learning within a 39-weeks curriculum overview.
  • Children in KS1 and KS2 take on States of Being for each unit e.g. Being a Scientist, Being an Artist, Being a Designer.
  • This approach is rooted in cognitive science evidence-based research that understands how children learn - our Unit Blocks allow all children, including those who are experiencing disadvantage and those with SEND, to become fully immersed in their unit learning, providing opportunities for deep knowledge and understanding across all subjects.
  • Our reading and writing curriculum objectives are deliberately woven throughout the unit learning, allowing children to 'learn to read and write' as Scientists, Historians, Geographers etc. as well as applying their skills of 'reading and writing to learn'.
  • Our curriculum is deliberately knowledge and vocabulary rich.
  • It is designed to be cumulatively sufficient so that children build on their skills and knowledge as they progress throughout the year and throughout the school, ensuring they are next-stage ready.
  • Key concepts and skills are mapped out carefully and teachers ensure that opportunities for recall and retrieval are planned in to support children's long-term memory acquisition.
  • Children love our curriculum approach and speak proudly of their learning. 

Our local context of being part of a farming community means that outdoor and physical learning is particularly important to us, and is reflected in our curriculum. We provide Forest School experiences for all children from Reception to Y6 and we have dedicated outdoor areas to enhance the learning in EYFS and KS1. Physical activity is also shown through our commitment and use of specialist PE providers to support teaching and learning in PE. We have an active Play Leaders team of children who support with physical equipment provided for break and lunchtimes. All children have the opportunity to swim throughout their time in KS2, which ensures that every child has the best opportunity to leave Sutton Benger able to swim, with many children exceeding National Curriculum requirements.

Our curriculum makes good use of our local environment, and we actively engage with our community to enhance the curriculum experiences. Our school's vision is inspired by the ‘Green Man’, found in our local church, and underpins all that we do here:

Together we learn, grow and flourish

 "Remember this - a farmer who plants a few seeds will get a small crop. But the one who plants generously gets a generous crop." (2 Corinthians 9:6)


If you would like to find out more about our curriculum, our class teachers would be very happy to speak with you.

Curriculum Maps

Our Curriculum for each class has been carefully planned across the 39 weeks of the school year. Take a look at our termly Curriculum Maps below to find out more information about the units that will be studied in each class this term. These can also be found on our class pages.

Curriculum Maps Term 4 2025

Contact Us

Happy to answer any questions


  • 40 Chestnut Road Sutton Benger Wiltshire SN15 4RP