Oak Class



You can read our Ofsted report here

Welcome to Oak Class!

Hello and a very warm welcome to Oak class! 

We are a class full of wonderful Year 6 children and we are very lucky to have a wonderful classroom to work in. In Oak class, there is a very high level of expectation to be the best learners we can be and we try our hardest in all areas of the curriculum. Oak class is an exciting year as there are lots of opportunities for more responsibilities and be role models to the younger children in the school. We will use our gem powers to be the best learners we can be which include perseverance, asking for help, bouncing back from disappointment and defeating monster distractions! As well as the incredible units, we will be delving deeper into high quality texts through our English lessons and developing our oracy and reasoning skills in Maths lessons. We will have the occasional SATs paper to practice but we’re all going to stick together and know it doesn’t define us as learners or as individuals.  

This year (2023-2024) we will be learning more about some of the following topics: 


  • The Vikings: were they good invaders? 
  • The Victorians: how did life change under Victoria's reign?
  • World War 2:  what was life like between 1939-1945?


  • Space
  • Our circulatory system 
  • Evolution 
  • Properties and changes of materials (states of matter) 
  • how our brains work


  • Locational knowledge of the UK and developing geographical skills 
  • What is our Earth made of?
  • Natural hazards such as volcanoes & earthquakes and what causes them

Art and DT 

  • Food (bread)
  • Drawing skills (portraits)
  • Structures (bridges)
  • Collage 

We are really looking forward to learning as much as we can and enjoying this curriculum which has lots of opportunities for ‘hands on learning’.  

Miss Harris and Oak Class. 

Assistant Headteacher and Y6 teacher


Important dates for Terms 4, 5 and 6

Home Learning


Every week, children will receive a piece of Maths home learning, linked to their current unit of learning. The home learning is aimed to be at a level children can complete independently and as a recap to embed their understanding. Home learning is handed out on Thursdays and collected in the following Tuesday.


Children in Year 6 read for pleasure reguarly and read to learn in whole class reading lessons. Children in Y6 are encouraged to read material that is engaging and enjoyable but also texts that challenge their understanding of vocabulary and awareness of different topics, writing styles and genres. It is expected children read at home 5 times a week.

Remember that it is important to read lots of different types of reading material. This should include non-fiction such as newspapers, recipes and instructions, as well as fiction (stories) and poetry. Just like with food for your body, a balanced diet is the aim!


Unit Homework

As well as a piece of maths home learning, there will also be a piece of home learning related to the current unit. This may be geography, history, English or science based. This is to ensure children have an opportunity to continue and embed their knowledge at home and discuss their learning with adults at home. This will sometimes be creative tasks, reading tasks, research tasks or writing tasks. On odd occasions, spelling and grammar practice will be sent home to familiarise children with SATs style questions. Home learning is handed out on Thursdays and collected in the following Tuesday.


Do you have some extra time to practise spellings?

Practise your spelling patterns using the Spelling Frame website. Choose Y3/4 if you struggle with spelling and Y5/6 if you are more confident. Here's the link: Spelling Frame

The Topmarks website also contains lots of spelling games. Click here to access these.

Writing downloads


Time for some maths practice?

Remember to use Times Tables Rock Stars to regularly practise your times tables please. If you lose your login details, please just come and ask me for them. Click here to login.

My current favourite online maths game is 'Daily 10' from Topmarks. Click here to play!

Other useful maths websites:

www.7puzzleblog.com - 5 puzzles are published daily.
www.mathsframe.co.uk - an Oak Class favourite!
Topmarks maths

Maths downloads

Children's Learning

SATs prep

It's that time of year- time to start revising!

SATs week (Monday 13th- Thursday 16th May for those who haven't added it to their diaries!) is approaching and Y6 have been working really hard to prepare.

Please see below a bank of useful resources, aimed to help the children in the run up to assessment week.

Monday 13th May: Spelling paper

Monday 13th May: Grammar paper

Tuesday 14th May: Reading paper

Wednesday 15th May: Arithmetic paper

Wednesday 15th May: Reasoning paper

Thursday 16th May: Reasoning paper

SATs revision

Easter Half term Revision resources

All resources are "10 4 10" designed to be 10 minute tasks, on 10 different days. Use whichever revision tools you wish depending on your strengths and areas of development.

Contact Us

Happy to answer any questions


  • 40 Chestnut Road Sutton Benger Wiltshire SN15 4RP